Road Safety

Many visitors come to Maggie Valley to enjoy the atmosphere, scenery, and wildlife. Maggie Valley with its proximity to the Blue Ridge Parkway and Great Smoky Mountains offer a opportunities to see come across a variety of wildlife. Specifically, we have black bears, deer, and elk just to name a few. As a reminder, these are wild animals, and you should not approach these animals. They may look harmless but are wild and they can become aggressive in an instance.

The importance of the driver to be attentive is paramount. Many of our mountain roads are not lite and makes driving at night especially dangerous.
Mother nature has created these creatures with a natural camouflage that helps protect them against reflecting light thus making it difficult to see them in the road at night. Driving below the speed limit is sometime prudent to give yourself time to break accordingly to avoid a traffic crash.

Generally, the main roads in Maggie Valley are fairly well maintained. That’s not to say drivers should not use caution everyday while driving in the area. In the fall many mountain drives and roads will have fallen leaves cover the roadway. This creates havoc for drivers as you may not be able to see where the edge of the road is and especially leaves on the road are as slippery as ice.
For additional tips on driving on leaves and in winter visit the following websites: